29 Crystals for Attracting Love, Healing Heartbreak, Romance
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29 Crystals for Attracting Love, Healing Heartbreak, Romance

Jan 29, 2024

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They’re not just pretty rocks, people!

There's no area of life, or intention, desire, or need that doesn't have a crystal tailor-made for it. Crystals can be thousands or even millions of years old. Each one has taken its own pathway of creation, formation, and development, and each one has unique properties.

Crystals are little wonders of nature: naturally formed when atoms come together and become a uniformed cluster, often when liquids cool and start to harden. Certain molecules in the liquid collect together, in a uniform and repeating pattern, which (over anything from a few days to thousands of years) forms the emerging crystal's unique shape. Also, they’re pretty. The big bling—you know, the good stuff, like emeralds, diamonds, and rubies—forms when liquid rock slowly cools.

Even though you’ve probs heard them described as a trend and you can buy them in tons of different shops these days, crystals have actually been around and carried for healing and protection for centuries. (Crystal-heads believe their crystalline structures hold energy and vibrate at frequencies that our bodies and minds subliminally pick up. Who am I to argue with ancient wisdom???) Certain crystals are especially suited for particular goals, such as helping you drift off to sleep, protecting you from harm and bad vibes, and even attracting all the cash to your wallet.

Selecting a crystal to help steer you toward your goals is a step toward making your ambitions reality. And when it comes to attracting love, even if you don't believe the crystal itself is magic, just the fact that you’re carrying one means you’re opening up your heart to the possibility. Try carrying one with you in your purse or pocket when you meet up with your crush or holding it on a phone or FaceTime date. Just make sure you cleanse your crystal first! You can do that quickly and easily by leaving your crystals on your window sill for a couple of hours in the sunlight or in the light beams of a New or Full Moon.

Now that I’ve convinced you (you’re welcome), here are some crystal picks from Clare Gregory, founder of UK alternative jewelry brand Bonearrow (she uses crystals in her designs), plus a few extras.

Deep bloodred, like a pomegranate seed, garnet is a crystal of passion, success, and manifestation. Said to help overcome depression and give hope and courage, garnet is a very useful crystal to have in a crisis, Gregory recommends. This sensuous dark-red crystal balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate, and helps you let go of things that no longer serve you and brings into your life that which is needed—a great crystal for amplifying the law of attraction.

Rubellite works on your root chakra, restoring libido, stamina, passion, and lust. Try massaging one against your upper thighs for a super-charged boost before date night.

This stone will unleash your inner magic, unlock your intuition, and help you to connect with your lover on an almost-psychic level. Keep it close for those all-night talks to help you just ~get~ each other.

Green aventurine promotes healing and balance for the heart chakra. It's often used alongside rose quartz, but aventurine focuses on the physical, while rose quartz focuses on the emotional.

Red zircon was worn as protection during the Black Death plague in the 1300s and the plague of London in 1665. Its sheen and color is said to drain in the presence of poison, disease, or toxicity, and that goes for people, too.

This pretty blue stone helps ease fear of rejection, first-date nerves, and any kind of stress. If you’ve been burned in the past or you’re starting to date again after a break, try carrying one with you.

Been through an emotionally bruising breakup or conflict? This crystal is like a psychic bodyguard protecting you from negativity, spite, jealousy, and even your own spiraling thoughts or fears. Let this volcanic glass throw its dark cloak of protection around your shoulders and keep you safe as you process whatever it is you’ve been going through.

Sunstone protects you from "energy vampires," aka people who suck up all your time and emotional resources without giving anything back, leaving you frustrated and exhausted. No fun, right? Keep ’em away!

No matter what sort of love you’re looking for, the first step is loving yourself. Gregory suggests using rose quartz to bring peace, tenderness, and healing, encouraging self-love and contentment. With its tranquil, soothing vibes, rose quartz is said to ease stress as well as feelings of jealousy and resentment and can help heal a broken heart. This is a great crystal for those who’ve been unlucky or unhappy in love recently.

With all the soothing, self-love, and healing properties of rose quartz, this gem is perfect for helping resolve troubled relationships where a past issue is causing problems—for instance, bad memories of a controlling ex or family trauma. Try keeping a bowl of tumbled stones in the home or use one as a massage tool.

The birthstone for July (so this is a double-whammy crystal for Cancers and Leos) is a stone of prosperity, passion, and strength. Gregory suggests using it to amplify energy and increase vitality. Ruby promotes courage and brings a sense of power and self-confidence to the wearer. Wearing a ruby can help you feel like the confident, sensual, 🔥 lover you want to be and attract that energy right back.

Pink dolomite is the perfect companion for anyone experiencing jealousy or envy in their relationship. This soothing stone will set a person's mind at rest if they’re overly worried about betrayal or their partner not loving them. It can reset expectations. Fun fact: Discovered in the late 1700s in the Swiss Alps, folklore suggested this is the lost treasure of gnomes!

Stand your ground with courage and confidence with red tiger's eye, also called ox eye. This stone will unleash its powerful vitality and strength through your veins. It can also act as a counter to bullying or anger. If you’re experiencing anything like that in your relationship, wear one as jewelry or carry it with you to help you stand up for yourself.

Rhodochrosite's peaceful, cheery energy can help you identify and deal with destructive emotions and encourages you to enjoy life, be passionate, and express yourself joyfully. If you have any unresolved or painful feelings to work through, Gregory suggests rhodochrosite to help you process your feels properly, improving your confidence, self-worth, and emotional balance.

If you need to relight your fire or stimulate a flagging romance, Gregory suggests carrying emerald. A magnet for good fortune and abundance, emerald inspires positive action by eliminating negativity and raising consciousness. And when placed in the house, emerald can bring protection and domestic bliss to those who dwell within, keeping those home fires burning, bb.

Magano calcite has a ton of benefits, including love, joy, and inner peace—basically everything you want in relationships and also just in general!

Opal is a beautiful stone of luck, love, and happiness said to enhance emotions and bring optimism, positivity, and spontaneity. Gregory suggests using this crystal to help you see your full potential and amplify your self-worth. A perfect stone if you are looking for a happy and fun relationship, as it will create a sense of optimism and promote a positive attitude and outlook.

Caught in a love triangle? Figuring out an on-again, off-again situationship? Yellow jasper is associated with clear thinking, so it can help you ~realize things~.

Fluorite comes in many colors, but purple is all about mental clarity and sharpness. This is important when you’re being love-bombed, gaslighted, or you just don't know what to do about a ~situation~. Purple fluorite can help you see things as they really are and work out what to do from there.

This purple crystal promotes healing and peace, and it's sometimes recommended as a post-breakup helper. Keep one close to you to forget an ex you’re still lingering over or just to help minimize bad memories of former 'ships.

Kerry Ward has been reading and teaching tarot for over 25 years. You can book a personal, written tarot reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, or pre-order her first book, Power Purpose Practice. Follow her on Instagram @mytarotbella for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings.

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